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초등 영어책 읽기 - The Dog Who Barked Backward / 최선어학원 [Highlights Library] The Dog Who Barked Backward [Highlights Library] 초등 영어책 읽기 최선어학원  2.His bark kept him from finding a home.그의 짖는 소리는 그가 집을 찾는 것을 막았습니다.There once was a stray dog named Rufus who was the most amazing dog on Kumquat Street. He could hear a ladybug blowing its nose. He could see a pill bug eating a black licorice whip at midnight. Rufus could even smell a caterpillar that hadn't washed its feet.한때 루.. 2024. 10. 5.
초등 영어책 읽기 - One Froggy Night / 최선어학원 [Highlights Library] One Froggy Night [Highlights Library] 초등 영어책 읽기 최선어학원2.I pulled back the blinds and stared into the wet night. I shivered, glad to be indoors. When Dad got home, maybe we'd play video football. This was a night to play games and drink hot chocolate.나는 블라인드를 젖히고 젖은 밤을 응시했다. 나는 떨었고, 실내에 있는 것이 기뻤다. 아빠가 집에 오면 비디오 축구를 할 수도 있을 것이다. 이것은 게임을 하고 핫 초콜릿을 마실 밤이었다.Dad's car pulled into the driveway. I ran to.. 2024. 9. 29.
초등 영어책 읽기 - Green Thumb / 최선어학원 [Highlights Library] Green Thumb[Highlights Library] 초등 영어책 읽기 최선어학원 2.All I did was show my little sister how to grow plants. Dig a hole. Put in a seed. Cover it with dirt.Water it. Wait."See, Laynie," I explained, "a whole plant will grow from this tiny seed. All we have to do is water it."Could anybody misunderstand something so simple?You wouldn't think soLaynie had her own watering can so she could "help" me in.. 2024. 9. 22.
초등 영어책 읽기 - Fantastic Fun Festival / 최선어학원 [Highlights Library] Fantastic Fun Festival [Highlights Library] 초등 영어책 읽기 최선어학원 2.Mr. Herrera was drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper. He did so every morning. I wish something new and exciting would happen in this town...something fabulous, he thought. He shrugged to himself and went back to his paper.에레라 씨는 커피를 마시며 신문을 읽고 있었습니다. 그는 매일 아침 그렇게 했습니다. 이 마을에서 새롭고 신나는 일이 일어나기를 바랍니다... 멋진 일이요, 그는 생각했습니다. 그는 어깨.. 2024. 9. 15.
초등 영어책 읽기 - Pinata Party / 최선어학원 [Highlights Library] Pinata Party [Highlights Library] 초등 영어책 읽기 최선어학원2.The Piñata GameHave you ever played the piñata game? A piñata is a papier-mâché sculpture filled with candy. Piñatas are colorful and usually made to look like animals. The piñata is hung up high.People at the party take turns trying to hit it with a stick. It's not easy, though.피냐타 게임피냐타 게임을 해본 적이 있나요? 피냐타는 사탕으로 채워진 종이 펄프 조각품입니다. 피냐타는 다채롭고 보통 동.. 2024. 9. 8.
초등 영어책 읽기 - The Cows at Riley Hill / 최선어학원 [Highlights Library] The Cows at Riley Hill [Highlights Library] 초등 영어책 읽기 최선어학원2. Eleven cows lived at the top of Riley Hill. Five were named after flowers: Lily, Poppy, Daisy, Jasmine, and Rose. Three names rhymed: Fred, Ed, and Ted. Two cows were named for their birthday months: May and June. And one cow didn't have a name at all: a brand-new calf born on the first of SeptemberRiley Hill 꼭대기에는 11마리의 소가 살았습니다. 다섯 .. 2024. 8. 31.